Hell On Earth

Aidoneus has visited me, and squeezed me in his tight embrace. I can't even concentrate in this thick curtain of heat called Summer. Hazy, hot, damn near 100 degrees. When will it end? I enjoy summer's lazy days, but this is ridiculous. Saturday morning, I made the grave mistake of walking to work from about 20 minutes away. Big mistake. I dragged along, melting like butter in a skillet. The building was so close, yet so far away, like one of those desert mirages. I was delirious, it was pure Tantalus Torture. By the time I finally reached the damn door, I almost collapsed in a moist heap. Relief was finally had, once I walked up the 3 steps, opened the front door, and felt the waft of cool air conditioning. Today is no better. I walked the 1-2 minute walk to the bus stop, only to feel the beads of sweat start to form on my brow. I can only stomach miso soup and produce in this heat... which is probably good news for my waistline, but whatever... speaking of which... I yearn for an ice cream cone right now. sigh... So here is a list of my impending purchases: Esthero's Wikkid Lil Girls, O.G. Bitch, and We R In Need of a Musical Revolution. A pair of Isaac Mizrahi, Jackie black kitten heeled pumps. An Ibrik (I cannot WAIT to order this)! and this V-ring top I've been eyeing up from The Gap (it's on sale now, yippeee) stay cool and hydrate!

1 comment

Amadeo said...

I tell myself that I'm cool enought to freeze vodka and therefore the sun can't affect me...I keep telling myself...the sun may not be listening.