Fake Boyfriend...Quick gimmie a name!

This morning, as I was waiting for the bus to come, some random guy passed me as he was walking down the street. He backtracked and pretended to ask me for directions for A. Street. Now, I don't really like chatting early in the morning, because my thoughts run a mile a minute as I'm clutching my cup of coffee. The process of thinking is an important one for me. My imagination manifests itself into some wicked creative projects. When my mind is on a roll, the possibilities are infinite. This sentient organism hates to be messed with. That's a lot of creative juice down the drain. Anyway, cat says "Is this A. Street?" Struggling to tame the acerbic tone making it's way up my throat, I sorta politely said, "No, this is U. Street... A. Street starts down there where that building is." I said, pointing him towards his destination. I was amicable enough, but not so much so, that I wanted to stand there and chat... my answer was to the point, and I went back to my dreamlost state... My bus was coming soon, and I needed to be left alone. Something was brewing, and I needed to grasp it at that moment. I also knew he was blowing smoke up my ass, because he stared bullet holes through my big, dark, aviator style shades. "Oh, alright." he said, almost reluctantly as he turned to leave... in opposition to where I directed him. I shrugged and went back to my catatonic state. "...cuz I'm trying to get to such and such hotel, and I don't know where A. Street is." He said... turning and coming back. Struggling not to go to my impatient place, once again, I pointed towards A. Street, and directed him. "Oh, awright" He said, still usurping my space... staring hard at me, this time. At that point, I looked past him, to see what was taking the flipping bus so long. I was beginning to feel uncomfortable. I noted that my pepper spray keychain was handy in my totebag and that my coffee was still hot enough to temporarily blind. I gave him a "now what" look. "So um, what's your name?" "Cat" I said. *(sidebar: While I know it's wrong to sell your bestfriend's name down the river, it should be noted that the real Cat is in Paris, and lives in MA anyway, so I'm excused on this one. I've never played this card before, and needed to play this hand desperately. Cat, when you read this, please give me a reprieve. If you were in the country, I would not have played such a dirty hand. tee hee.) "Um, Cat, where's your boyfriend?" He asked. 'Why the hell wont he go AWAY??' I thought angrily to myself. "Work" I said. With that, he reluctantly turned, giving me one last lingering look to determine the complete erroneousness or truth to my answer. He believed me, and skulked away, into the humid morning, as I stared after him in disbelief. As much as I lament about my boyfriendlessness... I get hit on by some unsavory characters. I've decided that I need to invent a fake boyfriend. I need a name... a convincing one. Cat's is Phillip. I'm sorry, but Phillip sucks major donkey's balls and is not all that convincing. If I were a guy, trying to hand some girl a line, and she told me her boyfriend Phillip would be coming 'round soon, I wouldn't believe her. Who's dating some bloke named, Phillip? I need a common, yet contemporary name... one that convinces Mr. Wrong to piss off, because Mr. Right truly exists, within the context of the situation I'm trying to get out of, anyway. Any suggestions?


Unknown said...

1. Black Thought .... the name is dope and scares folks too. it makes it sound divine.

2. Taalam... as in Taalam Acey, kick ass spoken word artist

3. Baraka... scares folks too, but dope.

4. Mike.. easy to remember

Anonymous said...

OUCH! They're still trying, and coming out of the woodwork, Aren't they?

It's still a dangerous world. some don't get the idea to back off, and leave someone well enough alone when they don't want to be bothered. Keep up the faith, there is someone out there.. Along Omi's suggestions, maybe Marcus, or Dwayne.

then again,.. try this one. It sounds odd, and has a definate 2-way meaning.

Mace (actual, little used name, and comes in a spray-can. :-) )(then again, My version was a spiked ball on the end of a chain.)

TiffJ said...

all good suggestions!
I like Mike... Taalam is a kickass name... It sounds like a boyfriend who'll regulate if you disrespect his girl... tee hee...
I like Mace... hahahaha
thanks for the suggestions, guys!

emeralda said...

1. Andrew. He cannot beat the shit out of any other guy but he has some other noble men around him who will do that for him.

2. Tristan. you can add a little joke saying your name is isolde. and if the person looks like 'don t fuck with me' say, 'isn t it freakin hilarious? thats why we initially came together' or invent a crazy story about you guys. only if you feel like talking bullshit of course

3.Damian. He is from Ireland and extremely violent

Hee hee, that was funny. I invent boyfriends from time to time as well. IN a way it s good they ask (although it is so incredibly stupid) for your boyfriend because it allows you to come to a relatively quick ending. Nothing worse than bad flirting that takes too long or which you have to end in a rather unpolite manner.

love ;-)
ps. 4: Piranha. why not be lesbian? i know it s somewhat dangerous cuz guys tend to believe that it s them who could persuade a lesbian to come back to the hetero world and imagine how it would be with two lesbians in one bed, but piranha sounds like this girl caN BITE hihihihi...

Amadeo said...

Diego - The latin lover sounds pretty fulfilling.

Ant Mo or Black - Ghetto ass nick names everyone I have known would hurt a dude for talking to his girl.

Use Gunners No. 1 and then say "He loves to give Universals to 85'ers"

Anonymous said...

Hi Coffey, it's your sister cocodimples. This was a funny story. How about using the name Ahmad or Shaka (as in Shaka Zulu). Shaka always works, sounds kinda scary, bet that one would make them back-off.

TiffJ said...

all great names. I have a myriad of options to choose from! I like the ghetto sounding ones. They make ME sound crazy AND they make any potential fake boyfriend sound even moreso.
Ummm. I'm yeah, hi COCODIMPLES... nice you see you've finally decided to post a comment rather than lurk in the darkness...
You've GOTTA come up w/ a better screenname than cocodimples. Cocodimples sounds porntastic.

introspectre said...

I like Mike as a name. Could be badass, could be nice...
And what the hell was with his dumbass question (makes an idiot face and talks in idiot-voice), "Where's your boyfriend?" Girl, there were so many great answers for that:

1) In my backyard, where I bury them all. Wanna have coffee?

2) In my freezer. Where do you live?

3) He's busy blowing sunshine up my ass, currently. The position is filled, thank you.

4) He's the sniper on that rooftop (point), he takes such good care of me! (smile insanely)

and my personal favorite, coming form hanging out in bad parts of Detroit too often

5) (get shifty eyed) I eat grandmothers grasshoppers. (scream spontaneously then assume calm expression) One time I had a Gerbil. (suddenly yell) BOB! HIS NAME WAS BOB! (twirl hair in finger and stare dreamily at sky) Oh, hi. You look familiar. (suddenly make violent gestures) I know who you are! (poke him hard in the chest) Have you ever tasted cheese? It's really good...

and so on. He'll run after the first sentence or two. Nothing people fear more than Crazy.

Anonymous said...

You have some black nerve using my damn name when I am not even there to appropriately defend myself! I still say that Phillip is a lovely name and if I had an English grad student as a boyfriend that would be his name!

I miss your crazy ass and these blogs have been great since we haven't been able to speak on the phone.

Choose Taalam ol' bit'!

gros bisous